We offer free health checks at both Runnymede Leisure Centre and Waterside Farm Leisure Centre.
Anyone can request a health check from us, but if you’re worried about your health we definitely recommend you come for a health check.
Boditrax Scanners
We will use our Boditrax scanners which are used by the NHS to check over 20 different measurements of your body including weight, body fat, muscle among so many others so you get an overall picture of your health.
After the Boditrax assessment a member of our highly trained team will sit down with you and let you know what each measurement means and let you know what you’re doing well and where you can improve and how to do this.

What will you get?
From your results you’ll be able to benchmark yourself against the average of others with the same age, height, body weight, BMI and ideal body weight. You’ll be able to see the composition measurements of your body including the percentage and mass of fat, muscle, water and bone. These results can then determine the following: