Get Active Consultation
Imagine a healthier, more active Castle Point – and help us make it a reality! We want to build a vibrant community where everyone feels inspired and empowered to move, connect, and thrive. Your ideas can help shape the future of our borough, transforming spaces into places that encourage activity, relaxation, and togetherness.
We are asking for your thoughts on how we can improve specific locations within Castle Point, including:
- Parks and Open Spaces: How can we make our parks irresistible for play, physical activity, relaxation, and exercise?
- Town Centres: What changes would make walking or cycling in our town centres easier and more enjoyable?
- Getting Around: How can we make it easier for people to travel by bike or walk within our communities?
- Community Spaces: How can we ensure our leisure and community centres are welcoming, accessible, and inclusive for all ages and abilities?
- Coastline: What can we do to inspire activity along our seafront and beaches for residents and visitors alike?
Why your views matter
Your voice is essential in shaping a healthier and more active Castle Point. By sharing your vision, you can directly influence the improvements that will make our parks, town centres, community spaces, and coastline more engaging and accessible for everyone.
This is your chance to help create a community where people of all ages and abilities feel encouraged to stay active, connect with others, and enjoy the unique spaces our borough has to offer. Let’s work together to build a healthier Castle Point for everyone to flourish!